
In 2012, the company set up a professional R&D team and invested special funds. It took two years to successfully develop the NC-1300 multi-functional cement slipform paver, which was put into the market in early 2014, and won unanimous praise from both old and new customers and peers.

永修县| 梧州市| 松潘县| 施甸县| 年辖:市辖区| 江永县| 沁阳市| 旬邑县| 石台县| 开平市| 阿克陶县| 班戈县| 四会市| 樟树市| 资溪县| 奉贤区| 元江| 渭南市| 绥中县| 延庆县| 百色市| 定陶县| 皮山县| 金门县| 崇文区| 密山市| 曲阳县| 天镇县| 涿州市| 洞头县| 长治市| 钟山县| 灵璧县| 门源| 嘉定区| 略阳县| 碌曲县| 柳林县| 富锦市| 石楼县| 尼木县|